
Aventuras de Eric

Juguemos a que somos un gato, en un mundo de dibujos de crayola, probemos tu pulso y tu puntería, y disfruta de un arte y un juego corto. Evita tocar las lineas negras, y dime cuanto tiempo lo hiciste y cuantos errores.

2 comentarios:

..DeLiRiUsPaRaNoIkUs™.. dijo...

The site you tried to visit belongs to a category that your computer is set to block.
http://www.mofunzone.com/popups/adventurous_eric.shtml is blocked because it is currently categorized as: Games Sites that provide information and support game playing or downloading, video games, computer games, electronic games, tips, and advice on games or how to obtain cheat codes. Also includes magazines dedicated to video games. Includes sites that support or host online sweepstakes and giveaways.

CREO QUE GANE!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha

Bety dijo...

XP se parece a mi gatín!! :D

129 segundos
3 errores... será bueno, malo o regular...

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